
If the ridge is there it's not going to hurt anything if you're not touching the bottom end of the motor. If you're just going to bolt it back together and drive, you're fine.

The ridge is a problem if you're changing pistons and don't want to bore out the cylinder, then the rings may clip the ridge and that can break them. I've never heard anyone break rings when they did a hone'n're-ring and reused the stock pistons/rods but in theory it's possible. I did the budget refresh on my 440 with a ridge and had no problems.

hard of it many times or I wouldn't have made the comment I did. New rings have a sharp square edge that the old used ones didn't. The sharp square edge can at times extend into the ridge and break the rings or lands.
I also don't recommend taking the pistons out of the bores with out removing the ridge as this can be very hared on the ring lands when the rings are forced into and past the ridge. IMO the only time a piston assembly can be safely removed without the ridge removed is if the piston is not to be reused.
What you do is up to you. Some people are lucky. i am not one of them. Murphy shines on me.