
Wow, so many things wrong with that: lined up pointed out of the groove, no one is watching, no one backs him out for a re-stage, stays in it too long, too much steering input for too long...
With B/G power and that short wheelbase, a car like that is almost a handful without those mistakes.

I was talking to Chad Reynolds(Bangshift.com) up in the scissor lift(I was on the ground) when Jeff Jackson of Jackson Bros. video yelled...Hey Ron...you gotta see this !!!!...he's the guy wearing the ND shirt in the clip...I walked up...glanced over the wall and told my newbie to the drags buddy....your gonna get to see a wreck...sure enough he got a track side seat to that.The guy behind with the crossed arms is his crew guy....they had a video person down by us...It was bad from the time he fired the car...tired to do the burnout in neutral...then does a short ugly one in drive...then takes forever to stage...notice the video guy actually cuts the tape off for a short time.

Too much car...too little time in the seat !