Good question Joelson6.
I can see both sides of it. Repo. parts are getting better and better but in most cases they do need to be worked. Think of it, the original tooling and engineering probably cost millions of dollars to create and the repo. manufacturer, due to realistic limitations of return on investment, only can spend thousands and the look and fit may not be as good as original parts.
Now as far as using repo. vs. original parts, I feel there is a place for both. For some cars the goal is different than others and using repo. parts is perfectly acceptable and other cars have a different goal and NOS or original parts are needed.
It is sometimes humorous to listen to some people say "why would I buy that old part, I can get a brand new one from Year One" and then later they go to install it and are frustrated when it does not bolt on easily or the fit is not good.

Mike LaBattaglia
Blue Star Performance
Phone: 815-223-8424 10-6 CST
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