If you have the 3 peice linkage here is how you adjust it. Step 1. remove the rod from pivot point that goies down to tranny. Get a drill bit. you'll see a hole in your pivot bracket. insert the drill bit through the bracket and pivot arm to lock it. Now adjust that lower rod that you took off the pivot earlier. adjust it so it will snap back on the pivit with out any downward pressure, in it's natural position. Step 2. remove the drill bit. Move throttle to wide open position. adjust the rod from throttle stud to pivot so you have apro 1/8 play. You don't want to jamb the rod down tight. At wide open throttle you should be able to push that rod aprox another 1/8 inch. Hook your return spring back up and go for a ride. If it shifts a tad to late adjust it for more end play. On the 3 peice set up that lower rod needs to be adjusted to get correct geomotry. Thats why you start with the drill bit in pivot. Thats why those holes are there.