
My 68 hemi rr has the H4B interior. That is a high trim grade bench seat in a very neat looking two tone blue. The car is out of the St. Louis plant. Supposedly (as every one says) one of one! Your color combination sounds super. Any pictures? I would post some of mine just for the other Hemi RR owners to see but don't know how. Possibly i could E mail some to someone. I think these RR's are really neat and possibly less production numbers than the E bodies that get all the pub. Nothing wrong with a hemi E body though!

My Hemi RR is awaiting restoration, but here is a link to a thread about it from last year:


Start a thread about your Hemi RR... To post a picture, select the Review/Attach File box at the bottom of the screen where you type your reply. The review page will have a box to browse your PC for the picture to attach... 700 K size limit.

Or, Email them to me to post: xs29j8@charter.net
