i got in a good discussion last night with a friend about deep stage-ing vrs shallow staging..
it was interesting ...although i couldn't get him to understand or agree with my philosiphy

basically..i feel/hypothisize
if you shallow stage..
1st... it gives you a "constant" or consistant point of reference to your cars location..
and can be repeated easily..with alot of accuracy or way to remove variables..
for instance ..your roll out equates to time.
lets say your roll out is 6"..
if you pull in lightly and just trip the beam going in..perfectly ..
you now have 6" ahead of you to roll before you trip the clock
but if you just pull in without discipline.
you could be 5"-4"-3" ect..from tripping the beam when you launch.
this will effect your reaction time from/according to each of these examples..
changing consistancy from @ launch/reaction time to another launch/reaction time. assuming you staged differently each of these times


since the clock doesnt start until you break the beam...if you have adiquate roll-out...
technically you could start moving sooner..
have a technical advantage over the other lane.
of course youll have to time it properly as reaction time to tripping the light still applies to the other lane...
but for instance...my arguement was.
if i shallow stage with good rollout..agaist an opponent who deep stages...
i get a head start..with momentum in my favor.
his arguement was et ...is still et...?

anyone have an opinion..?

365" Iron J heads,,3480lbs best 1.39 60ft on SS springs.10.54,124 mph ...6.67 1/8th et.average 60fts 1.46 w/ small cam &.063 no2 pill tagged & insured