Figure these questions would be w/ a "moderate" .650"-ish roller cam.

Are Comp 943 springs durable enough for street use? Not like a "daily driver", but running up say 2000 miles a year on the street/strip.

Have those of you running roller cams seen any real wear and / or quality differences in the various brands of bronze distributor gears? There seems to be a pretty wide range of prices and I'm not sure what you get for the extra $$$.

"Affordable" lifters of choice? Are the Comp 829 solid-body lifters still a good option, or are their other brands NOT costing twice as much that are worth considering? This could be in either an unbushed block OR a block that's been bushed but doesn't have any oil feed holes in the lifter bore bushings.

What's the simplest & most cost-effective method for setting the cam's end play? I see different types of cam buttons offered, but don't know which ones are more likely to have durability issues in this sort of application.