Stefan, you may be right on the acid vs. alkaline.... I didn't ask. As for the e-coat, I know it's dipped but the total amount of product that winds up attached to the entire body can't be more than 2-3 gallons. so what does that amount of product cost ? looking at a labor standpoint, I would think the strip to be much more labor intensive (and hazardous) requiring at least 2 dips, one for strip and one for neutralize, then a wash of sorts (this is the process they told me over the phone). plus then there are the rumors of seepage for years. what's a guy to think ?

There are quite a few "restorers" that chemical dip/strip the bodies without a final treatment of some kind and in my opinion, like yours, without a dip treatment the car will rot from the inside out. that's why my 'Cuda is still sitting in the garage in 1,000's of pieces awaiting it's turn in the checkbook line-up where it's been since '91

I figured a 20" deep e-coat (like the primer dip at the factory) would at least get all the floors, frame rails, rockers, etc. the rest could be sprayed with a decent primer/sealer. I've also heard most paint guys recommend removing the e-coat on all panels that will receive paint.

What's your stance on all this ?? 'cause some day, my shell and other parts will be on the trailer heading to a stripper of some kind.


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