
are you saying my harness will not even plug right to the msd 6al box on ebay and work????

From what I REMEMBER?? it will plug in identical but the MSD system is wired differently & will not work w a Mopar system AS IS whether your curent system is a 4pin ECU w 2 terminal ballast or a 5 pin ECU w a 4 terminal ballast. It lets you use the same (pentastar)plug in but you have to rewire the setup and you cannot switch back and forth at will which again if I am remembering this correctly means that you cannot stop on the side of the road & switch them then immediately compare the peformance difference which is the feature that I want. MSD does have a Nascar type coil selector and with some DTDT switches you could switch everything over. It'd probably take a fair amt of rewiring but it'd end up being a very nice immediate comparison (especially switching as your going down the road ).

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth