The first pics I posted of the SO number stampings are of a car I once (almost owned) 20 plus years ago that was located down in Clayton, California, by total fluke the current owner of the car (whom is having it restored now and lives in Fairfield, CA) contacted me looking for parts, some restoration advice, and to have his car verified. After we chatted a while I realized he now owned the same car I had missed out on buying way back in the 80's. He never had a Broadcast Sheet, only the fender tag.

Flash forward:

Wild_RT (who lives in the same vacinity as the car is from) recognized the VIN on the car I posted as being one was once owned by one of his current friends, he owned it even before I knew of it back in the 80's, he still had the Broadcast Sheet! So, Wild_RT and myself hooked up our friends and now the sheet will be reunited with the car again. Small world eh?

Here's the car in question back in the day when Wild's friend owned it.