I think the dis-order is people are aware they get attention with the car they would'nt normally get. People have unrealistic dreams with the budgets they live on. They always have hope of one day restoring the car but never put forth the effort it takes to improve their check book. Nor do they in most cases know how to turn a screw driver, but as the saying goes I'm going to restore it some day, or I'm going to give it to my son for his 16th birthday, question how old is your son now ? 6 That some day comes and goes and never happens.

Bill, you do need a better plan it sounds. You have known this man for years.. What kind of car does he like the most ? Take a running,driving car there don't offer it right away just dangle it by giving him a ride etc, then leave and allow him a few days to let it soak into his thick skull, then reappear with the car and offer the trade. If he's married maybe use the wifes favorite car.
