
whether I got anything near what I was told they were

I guess that's where I'm a bit lost here. It doesn't seem clear as to exactly what you were told regarding the details of the porting work. As far as his description, based on what you posted a few posts back he used fairly general terms in describing the work that's been done and not much in the way of specifics.

All that aside I'd say that what you ended up with are a set of 516 heads with bigger valves and a clean up porting job in the intake runners and not much else, the resulting flow would probably amount to what you would get out of a basically stock set of 915 heads.

Are they decent heads? Probably once they have a fresh valve job put on them, question is, are the "decent" enough to give you the amount of flow get your cars combo to perform like you'd hoped? Hard to say giving the info we have so far.