

My dilemma is not being able to get a correct spring to fit with a 2.050 max installed height, yet still allow .850 net lift.

As much as I like Comp, I'd switch to a PAC spring.
The PAC-1248 will handle a .900 lift easily. Its specs are:
PAC-1248: 350 lbs @ 2.050, 950 lbs @ 1.20
This spring is spec'd to .900 lift

The PAC 1246 is a little less pressure and although this spring is spec'd to .800 lift, I have run them many times with .850 lifts with no problems.
PAC-1246: 250 @ 2.050, 830 @ 1.20

Pieces like this (among others)makes the thread better...people adding their personal experience data. The post on YB was lengthly back and forth. I summed-up that unless your running specific parts with a spintron, laser and stress instrumentation, confidence in valvetrain dynamics comes from correctly evaluating experience(just like anything else I guess).