
When you pull the valley and oil pan, do us a favor and post some pics.

Well, here it is, directly after peeling back the intake pan:

No rust to speak of, or any other debris for that matter, which is a good thing.

Here is a shot of two middle lifters. That' not rust along the lower part, just appears to be burnt or something:

Here is the front of the cam, directly under the distributor hole:

Here's the bad news:

A picture of the front two lifters, right after removing them:

And after wiping down the tappet area:

You can feel the pits when you run your fingernail across the area, so I'm assuming they are shot. Is it safe to assume the cam is also? Or perhaps they aren't that bad and I can run them? Looking for some expert opinions on this one. I'd really like to rebuild this properly and not have to take it out again.
