
yea I called comp and talked to a guy today told him what I needed he said he had a set that was a few thous. short I said okay mail them came home a looked on the puter at the part # ford push rods ball ball not the ball cup I need so now I'm still looking with a set on the way thats no good ...callled them back was told to just send them back good comp. to deal with but could not help with the rods this time....told me to call smith bro...

I myself would put the ones in and try them... if
they are too short they wont get oil into the cup
but the oil should be shooting up and hitting the
end of the rocker area... the reason you dont want
alot of thread sticking out is the side load when
the valve is open.
Put them in and presurize the oiling system while
turning the engine over and see if they are getting oil....
I would waste $120 for a 1/2 thread unless they werent
getting oil....... JMO