I'm not gonna lie, i hate whats become ov drag racing. I'll NEVER race my car on a track the way things are now. I check out the 'street legals' every now and then, pay my $5 to watch and cruise the pits, but i just end up checking out other combos when the hoods are up and stealing ideas. Occasionally something goes down the track that interests me, sadly, lately its been an import more often than not, at least some ov them are getting faster and trickier... while so many musclecars just seem to get more expensive.

BUT... F.A.S.T.... that concept drives me mad. Rael cars, built by people who know how to build good combos, out ov 'junk' in some cases, who know how to tune every 100th out ov a car... the closest thing to (legal) PURE hot rodding in decades... Even better, the spartan nature ov these cars, brings out the stripper cars, the factory beasts, the dog-dishes and painted rims... Car shows dont have as many badass looking rides. This is throwback racing! I LOVE that tricky [Edited by Moparts - Family Friendly Site - Keep it clean]...

And its all thousands ov miles away. Why doesn't F.A.S.T. come to the West, the North West specifically? What would it take to see F.A.S.T. racing in Mission Raceway Park...???