
If the engine is balanced properly, why would you ever need a fluid dampener?

every engine needs some sort of dampener to dampen harmonics, which all engines have. it's really just a question of which "type" of dampener to use.

Quicktree,i remember reading one of Eddie's posts with something to that effect. keep in mind those are mid to high to mid to high to mid, etc, etc. high rpm SBC motors with the tiny little snouts on them. IMO, that's not a good environment for any fluid type dampener, regardless of brand. also note that fluid dampers are much heavier typically than the ATI, Romac, BHJ, etc. etc. that heavy rotational inertia could have something to do with the problem Eddie had. those dampers aren't normally my first choice, but so far, every one i've used (probably over 100 of them) has worked just fine.