I have heard that some of the earlier plain wheels didn't have part #'s

I did manage to find some #'s on my Rallye wheel though (with a little help from some sandpaper, it had been repainted)

There are some #'s on the outside of the wheel near the valve stem.
294?390 (? It's hard to read cause it's not stamped deep, but this is the part #)
9 12 (valve stem) 9 Pentastar

So it's an M wheel (which is some kind of vendor code) made in 1969, on December 9th.

Is that about the right date for an April 2 SPD AAR, or is this from some other car?

With the wheel sitting up on edge (as it would on the car) and the valve stem all the way at the bottom, I found some numbers inside the wheel (where the tire would cover them up) at about the 1 o'clock position.

2 (Archaic Wheel Association symbol) M 15x 7 JJ
D 2 MADE IN U.S.A. MI9 852

Anyone know what the 852 means?
