I am now counting the days until I get my junk on the road.

I tried to reindex the bars today, but I decided that I am going try again with a little help right before it goes to the alignment shop. The torsion bars were being particularly meatheaded today (or maybe it was me, I don't know..) Either way, they didn't want to go in any way except the way they came out despite countless tries to get the two hexes lined up. I tried getting the LCA to the ride height I thought that I wanted, and fought to get the bar in. No amount of running up the adjuster helped..

I would have kept going, but I have to have the car ready for trailer duty, so I didn't bother fighting it or taking too much apart.

My Build thread: Let the hemi swap begin!

1968 wanna be pro touring whatchamacallit with some fancy stuff and a new roof skin.