Looks like im going to pull the tranny out of my wagon and have someone rebuild it. There are several people in town that can do this job "on the side" if I bring the tranny to them. All im looking for them to do is a bone stock rebuild,no speed parts or shift kit.Whats an acceptable price to have someone do it,and at what price should I consider it to be too much?

So far I have 2 people in mind.

The first guy says if I bring it to him hell charge $575,with stock converter with a 12 month unlimited mileage warranty.Says it might take him 3 evenings,as he stocks all the parts to do the job.

I havent had the chance to talk to the other guy,but from what I have been told,is hes the subject matter expert when it comes to Transmissions at the local Chrysler dealership,has been doing transmissions for at least 25 years and from what an ex coworker says,this guy can do tranny rebuilds in his sleep.I plan on talking to the guy tomorrow as today was his day off.