Dude I am just razzin ya anyway. I don't pretend to be better than anyone else racing out there. I was fortunate enough to make a profit that year. I like bracket racing because on any given day I can go and take out the guy that has 5 time world champ on the side of his trailer.

I like heads up racing as much as the next guy but I do what I can afford to do. I just hate the fact that there is always some joker that spends 5 times as much on a car as everyone else and ruins the class such as the low seven second drag radial guy or here comes Billy Glidden in a pro stocker that has 10.5's on it.
Plus I got a family, a job, a side business. Who the heck has time to do all that maintenance.
We did appreciate that tow rope for the failed fuel pump though

Last edited by Irun6snd8th; 08/21/09 04:37 PM.

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