The big thing to remember here is --degree the cam to know where its at SO you know which way to go - if need be - AFTER you run it some--The recommended spot is a good GUESS at where it should be to get the desired results BUT if you are say 1/8 miler vs. 1/4 etc you may need to advance or retard to get the exact performance out of it that you are looking for--I have seen BIG inch engines make 50 Ft lbs more on the dyno by retarding a little I have seen small block 1/8 milers tear the chrome off the rear bumper and pull like a rocket in the 1/8 but run out of steam in the 1/4 so---going crazy over a degree or two is USELESS--a good smart racer will move it around a little to FIND where it needs ( after RUNNING it )to be for his combo and desired results OR if it dynos great and you are winning races WHO cares what it is degreed at? - except to be able to put it back in the same place after teardown - Getting picky over HOW to get there is missing the point IMO --just do whatever you do the same way every time. One of the best ways - accurate every time - is with the tool in the lifter bore that holds the mic and measures straight off the lobe--- make it run good for real --not on paper

Last edited by crabman173; 08/14/09 10:07 AM.