Well guys, I have to say....

I put the 11 plugs in it, adjusted the MSD distributor with the black bushing, 1 light silver spring, and 1 blue spring. Checked my timming which was DEAD NUTS on 18 initial, and 36 at 3K. Holy Crap!!! This is honestly the first time the car has "come to life" I noticed imediatly it sounded crisper, and as I drove it it had better power, and felt great. I took it a few miles down the road, turned aroun, piss pownded it after a mild launch, and it was fun!! I crused into town and slowed to 25ish before getting into town, then nailed it, banged 2nd and the Mickey ET streets tore loose, and she went all sorts of sideways... KASEY LIKEY!!!

Now I just have to set my pinion angle, and get her to cool better, and we are gonna have some fun.
