



any part of the bushing have a hole to oil the pin? sure look's like the rod was drilled for it, but I see no hole in any of the bushing chunk's that I see, also look's like the rod was rough machined and not honed for a true bushing fit. Sorry about the damage.

i was looking at the same thing. the real problem is that you should probably re-bush all of the rods. i'd also add holes at 5 and 7 o'clock positions. it looks like you need a new pin also.

No I do not see any hole in bushing..But I will say it seems like there is plenty oil there..and all 8 look just like this..not just one. They all have to be done..Plus new wist pins..they are hurt.

dumb question here.is there no way to pollish those pins and finish the bushing to fit the pin?i dont know if the bushings come big[thick] enough to acount for the pin size.
forgive my ignorance please.

if you polish the pin, it would be undersize and then too loose in the piston.
the right way is to buy new pins, make sure the piston/ pin fit is correct and then size the bushing in the rod accordingly.