
Do it ANY way you want but never dry. Big thread about this last week so I won't repeat much except that if you will CLEAN the bores ( who cares how--ATF, thinner, 4 rolls of paper towels- spend two days in each hole if you are &%$#--whatever! -again who cares? ) Put some oil--weight does not matter!!!!!!! on the piston and rings--lightly oil the bore with WHATEVER--put her in --You did good --keep working on it --no worry OK? Way more important to get ring gap right and rings on RIGHT SIDE UP now ain't it?All that about Wd40, detergent, non detergent, ATF, dipping, etc. 30 wt, 10w-30- no synthentic etc etc is just yammering! MILLIONS of engines have been put together by thousands of guys that don't know anything and have run fast enough to scare most folks into a seizure OK?? BASICS___NOTHING FANCY will save you--Basics will!!! Every time. I am so tired of folks over teching everything--golf, deer hunting, etc--just have some fun, do the basics that have been proven by decades of results and quit over teching your lives. Guy that asked the question is not included in my target rant audience--he is innocent.