
What is meant by "relieving the tension" on the LCA after height adjustment?

The need to do this is more or less important, depending on how much height change is involved.

The lower control arm pivots at a bushing whose outer shell is fixed into the lower control arm and whose inner shell is fixed around a shaft that is in turn attached solidly to the K member. Whenever the outer shell rotates relative to the inner shell, the rubber between them "winds" slightly. Ideally, the bushing should not be wound at all at normal ride height. After any major suspension work [or significant height adjustment], you should fully tighten the nut that holds the shaft to the K member only after the normal height has been established. If the nut was already tight (as it would be in your situation), loosen it a bit, bounce things around some, and then re-tighten.

Down to just a blue car now.