Next, bolt and torque the bell to 55 ft lbs, as per Chrysler specs.

You want to line up the indicator to the bell opening for referencing. Have your slave-boy spin the crank from the front slowly to get a starting reference number and zero out the gauge. Turn the crank while watching the needle sweep, and get the maximum number read.After it was all said and done, were within 8.5 thousandth's. We were all impressed with the number and left it at that.

Next, take off the bell and prep the clutch assembly. Making sure all surfaces are clean, align to correct boltholes and assemble. Make a reference mark for final assembly correctness.

Preassemble the clutch onto the flywheel for correct fit. You can use the plastic tool, or like our seminar VIP, use an actual input shaft.
Clean all clutch surfaces, and reassemble , using brand new bolts. Always use brand new bolts if you can on everything.

Torque to specs..