Hey y'all! First off, I have to thank everyone for all of the kind words! This entire trip so far has been nothing short of amazing! This truly is a once in a lifetime adventure and we are only too happy to share it with all of our friends here on Moparts, In reality, if it weren't for Moparts, the logistics and this trip and the purchase of the Daytona itself, would never have happened! A very special thanks goes out to OzHemi and his Australian partner Peter for handling all of the shipping. You guys are awesome!

As Peeler told ya, it's been a looooong night and we have lots of pics and stories! I'm the only one with enough adrenaline left to still be awake but as soon as DG is awake, she is gonna upload the pics to her pic hosting site and post them on this thread.

FuryIII, we are still trying like all heck to make Conway by Sunday but we are behind schedule a bit. The California Highway Patrol officers we talked to on one of our gas stops told us it was 118 degrees in the Mojave Desert yesterday and even at 2:00 AM last night, the temps were still near 90 degrees. The Daytona and the Falcon are running a bit warm but not losing their cool so we may just do some of our traveling at night.

We are staying at the Cannery Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas which was the host hotel for the Mopars At The Strip event a couple months ago. We will be leaving out of here later this afternoon. I am pretty sure DG will be posting pics before we leave here.

Thanks again to everyone and stay tuned!