When CBS and Direct TV were having their contract dispute my brother called and asked me what commercial antenna he should buy.
I told him I had two different Terk models or an effective old Radio Shack double bowtie in front of reflector screen that I would give him on his next visit, or that I had stored “The World’s best 14 element UHF Yagi” in our other brother ‘s basement.

In the meantime I suggested he just improvise a “coaxial dipole” by stripping back 20 inches of 75 ohm braid and and taping it back on the cable to expose the inner conductor - nearly free antenna if you have some 75 ohm coax.

Instead he bought a $15 flat HDTV antenna and did a scan and got 60 total channels.
He was also surprised that his fairly new HDTV could had a feature to replay 10 minutes of over the air HDTV TV using internal memory, so he could even rewatch sections of the game or skip forward of ADs.

As luck would have it CBS and Direct TV settled their dispute a few hours before that football game.