they need an internet connection.

Lots of options for tv these days.......

Well it depends on what TV programming you are talking about. Not going to watch HBO over the air. Another thing i noticed crapcast cable put's the local stations on their cable. There was a movie on one of them i haven't seen in years so watched it. I also have an antenna in my attic and found the local station it was on. Over the air didn't have it in wide screen format but the cable did. Guess it depends on the local station if they want to broadcast it in wide or standard. If you are not connected to some cable (fios/cable co etc) it's going to need fast internet. I have been looking and fios is not available here along with most of the over the air cell based internet survives. Cable is overpriced for similar plans from their competition(IF ONE COULD GET IT!) Hey Mr Biden what about the that infrastructure bill to get fast internet!!??? I also heard he was in town and they had to shut down the roads. They should have drove him on the ones that we have to drive everyday to work that is covered in pot holes, patches and cracks. Then you see road crews fixing the side walks that no one walks on instead of fixing the roads. Painting the lines on the damaged road surfaces. realcrazy mad Pure idiots running things! Sorry had to vent. I also found out that the T Mobil home internet regulates how many users it has in an area. It is available where i am but they are not allowing any new customers. Didn't hear that on their TV commercial! How long do we have to wait for fast internet or someone to come up with a affordable way to watch TV? Wish that C band satellite was still available. It was awesome if you missed a show in your time zone you could watch it on another feed for a different one.