Our HVAC is 16 years old and has never had any serious issues.

It’s a Trane system with electronic air cleaner called “Clean Effects” I think.

HVAC is dual source: Tanked liquid propane 35 F or under, heat pump 36 F or higher., with in-line humidifier and AC.

500 gallon LP tank.

2100 square foot single story home, with unfinished walkout basement.

I heard a local HVAC company owner on radio, discussing HVAC issues in this frigid weather.

During the conversation, he said they are running a 15% total discount until mid Fedruary.

He also said overall HVAC costs will be increasing notably this year due to federal regulations.

So I was discussing all this with wifey.

My view is to strongly consider replacing entire HVAC now, take advantage of current costs… especially at 16 years old.

She’s of the “If it ain’t broke, don’t replace it” mentality.

During the winter furnace check a month ago (different company / original Trane install company), the tech said I should have them replace the burners next visit in six months. Around $200 me thinks, so not huge cost)

This company on the radio is Lennox oriented, and about four miles away, whereas the original installer company is about ten miles away. I mention this as servicing appointments might be a tad easier with the closer company.

They are both king time family owned companies, with consistent stellar online reviews and A+ BBB ratings.

They should be calling, as I left an online info request while they were closed over the weekend.

So, which way would you all lean, with the above info.

Keep as is and roll the dice, or replace?

I’m thinking it could quite possibly be a $2k or so saving doing it now.

Come on…. Be honest!

I won’t sic the wife on ya! biggrin