Originally Posted by AndyF
A steady 70 mph on the freeway will drain the battery for sure. I've been driving EVs for years now and they are perfect cars for running errands around town. Low maintenance, low cost if you buy the right ones, cheap to charge up if you live in the right spot of the world, etc.
But driving fast on the freeway will drain the battery fast. And so will accelerating up a steep hill!

Very much like RC cars/trucks. I play with RCs. EVs are just big RCs...many of the same components with different names and many of the same characteristics.

Great for short quick trips....not so great for long fast trips. Charge them to fast or for to long...not good. Run the batt to low for to long...not good. To hot or to cold...not good.

The tech is close but not quite there...it works for some people not for others. It works in some parts of the country/world...not in others. That's the beauty of ICE....works almost everywhere. Idiots in Washington can't seem to understand that!