My “education” about gasoline vehicle fuel economy went on for years.

Head winds and tailwinds I understood, but I saw with my own eyes that cross winds matter far more than my hunch was.

Air temperature, pressure and humidity matter.

Concrete pavement versus Blacktop pavement makes a difference.

The Performance Trends computer program “Fuel Economy Calculator” was well worth its $130 price, as was telephone calls with Kevin.

These gasoline vehicle experiences lead me to believe
“ya gotta have”
a second vehicle of known range following along “convoy style” on the road test.

With an EV the internal temperature of the Lithium batteries is allegedly highly important.

In the Medical testing field the last ten years the seen the widespread acceptance of a
“Harms Ratio”
and 95% Confidence Range given of the Harms Ratio.

Range in miles of an EV needs to adopt similar math.

This from a guy who hated his first Statistics course
but grew to respect
and then even admire the ASTM manuals
that laid down the proven “real world” ways to sample trillions of particles in 10,000 tons of Coal.