I see the same cars for sale as early in the year, prices creeping lower and they still sit. Hagerty index is down and has been falling all year. Cars aren’t meeting reserve. Bids end up 20-30% under the ask once auctions end in places that show such things. A car here or there in one direction or another doesn’t make a market. I’ve seen quite a few cars that would’ve been sold a year ago already. Just saw a 70 Cuda last night that I’m thinking about calling on. Would’ve been gone a year or 18 months ago. I just sent a buddy a 67 Camaro for 30k that is well under what things were bringing until sales cooled. I saw a 69 Mach 1 for a low enough price I can’t tell if it’s a scam or not, think it had a phone number though in the listing.

I’m saying the broad market is this way. Lots of the oddball stuff that was previously selling like hot cakes have come back to earth and are sub 10k cars again. Flipping new cars for profit has vanished as well.

As for this car, I think a 4 speed car, in red, would’ve be gone before the market fall at 50k. We’ll see where it ends up. It still doesn’t a market make if it ends at 60.

I don’t like the right quarter having black inside on this “32k mile” car.

I want my fair share