Ive been going to the Nats Since the 1st Chrysler Car Club Convention in MI , then St Louis , etc etc etc
Ive been to MOST but not all of them.
Even spent some time as a judge in the past.

IMO the best days of any of these shows is behind us. Look around next time you're at one of them. A vast majority of the crowd are grey hairs ( myself included )

Most of the high end cars have attained a value its not worth the risk to drive them like we did 25 -30 years ago. Thus why a large and growing portion of the cars have shifted to modern Chargers, Challengers , SRTs , PT cruisers , Ram trucks etc etc etc

Carlisle keeps saying they break a record every year with car count. BUT,,,, How many of them are newer models compared to the vintage stuff. Myself dont go to shows to see a zerox copy of Dodge dealership lots.
After a 6 or 7 year hiatus from the Nats I went this year. Sure its down, and I saw a lot of the same newer stuff as any other show.( all brand shows included )
But for me its to see and hang with friends Ive met along the way. Maybe pick up a few misc parts. Seeing some cool old iron is a huge bonus. Even if it's not the same number of or quality of cars as years past. Its till the Nats and I. And IMO the best of them all. Is it perfect? ,,,,oh hell no. None of them are.
When doing an event of this magnitude. there is simply no way on gods green earth you will please everyone there . Thats simply not possible. So you do the best you can with what you're given and move forward.

The biggest difference between Carlisle and the Nats. Is self-owned property versus a leased facility for the weekend. Far more to deal with and have to please one versus the other. As attendees we look at them as a weekend getaway. For the organizers its a yearlong job, 2nd job to most.

So, enjoy them both or the one YOU prefer. Because odds are ,,,maybe ,,,,someday,,,,There just might be a day when we cant.
