how well i know the "stuff" accumulation !
i spent yesterday taking pictures of odds and ends that were left from the 4 pickup loads of "stuff" my buddy hauled to carlisle for me. of those 4 loads, the remains were easily put in the back of my bus [caravan] in just a few boxes.
i told him to price the items at "you pick it up, you own it !"
i'll never use any of it in my lifetime, so it's time to let it go ! might as well give someone the opportunity to get some use out of it instead of it ending up in a dumpster after i croak.
i will be posting in the WIW section as well, hopefully getting some idea what to toss, and what to practically give away.
if the heat and humidity EVER goes down a notch or ten, i need to box up some cop wheels i have advertised here and send out, but man, just taking out the trash bag to the garbage can wears me out, and i get soaked like i just stepped out of the shower !