Kinda annoying tossing good parts, but I'm tired of lugging this stuff around. Last month, when I sold my wagon, I offered the buyer to take any of the extra parts I had at no charge whether they were wagon related or not (he had other Mopars already).

He took only a couple of items. frowwn

I've tried to sell this stuff off over the past 5 yrs or so with no luck, shoot, I can't even get a reply to a WIW post. So, today, I hauled it all to the scrapper.

My Dakota handled the load like a champ and despite being about 105 lbs over payload capacity, she was far from doing the 'Carolina Squat', never touched the bump stops.

Only 'issue' during the 16 mile drive was the other drivers. Four lane road, two lanes each way, ZERO traffic, and idiots kept hugging my back bumper looking for a payday. mad shout




The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥