Originally Posted by Sunroofcuda
Originally Posted by 2boltmain
Ill say this from my experience in manufacturing. Young people are having their needs met by multiple sources. A parent that lets their 28 year old son/daughter live at home rent free along with government provided "assistance." With these types of free resources a young person does not need a career let alone a full time job. Mike Rowe said recently that young guys just need a couch and they're all set. I see guys 25-30-35 years old come in- work a week and their gone. Many have multiple children. Its easy for a 20 something to get all kinds of assistance with EVERYTHING. Its not just for the un abled person. Hasn't been for awhile now. All these young men who 30 years ago would be mechanics, welders, truck drivers and electricians are happy living in moms apartment being an online gamer.

This is what I see too. I'll tell you where there's a HUGE void - heavy diesel mechanics. Truck dealers (Freightliner, Kenworth, Volvo, etc.) ALL OVER USA & Canada are looking for young diesel techs. There are basically none. Mike Rowe is spot-on. If you are good, you can make huge money. It's a lifelong commitment. What do you want to be when you grow-up? You can be almost anything if you really want it.

Auto Techs are the same......last I heard we would be 700k techs short in the coming years. Who's going to fix these rolling computers we all have? I teach Auto at a Tech College...I have past students in their 20's out in the field making 100k+. I have a 23 yr old nephew doing HVAC making well north of 100k...all without a penny of student loans. It all starts with Mom and Dad. If you're losing people to ther shops you NEED to find out why and put together a package everyone can live with

I have a friend running an auto shop(4 actually) Hugely successful. He buys lunch once a week, has team outings doing fun activities like axe throwing, a huge social media presence celebrating birthdays and work anniversaries etc. The younger workers LOVE that stuff! He pays well with good bennies....has no issue attracting and keeping help....many are my past students. Grow your own!