i own two dustless set ups for my media blasting business. Dustless blasting guys claim all kind of stuff but the ONLY thing that dustless does is keep the dust down. there are zero advantages to using a dustless blaster despite what the "keyboard experts" on the internet say, dustless makes mud in places you cant get to. you use a product called hold tight 102 to add to your water tank and that holds off rust for 72 hours. you have 72 hours to try to figure out how to get the mud out. pressure wash? good plan. more water. Dont use it.
i will not ever blast wet on a car or metal for any price. No need. No point. graffiti, sailboats in ship yards, statues and concrete are all great candidates for wet blasting. not car stuff

dont fall for the hype. its great marketing is all it is. waste of money. just get yourself a good dry blast guy and you will be way farther ahead.