I've noticed a few trends over the years.

#1 There were a LOT less homeless when Mr. Trump was President. During the Obama years, it got pretty bad. Last year I went was 2019 and homelessness wasn't too terrible. 2014 we saw people living in the Walmart parking lots. It was heinously sad.

#2 Prices are a lot better when the economy is doing well and/or people are more willing to barter/deal. When the economy is in the toilet, people will hold staunchly to their prices; and you can't blame them really. We both know what an item is worth but sellers really need the money if things aren't going well.

#3 Food Vendors: When I first started attending roughly 20 years ago, we'd set aside a little money for "Treats". Mini donuts; maybe a pizza, etc. 2019 I noticed that a bottle of pop was now like $6 at the vendors. I found myself buying more cans from folks with coolers advertising a can of pop for a buck. I understand vendors have to make money but.... somethings gotta give before people completely stop buying.

I go mostly for the spectacle of it and honestly just to get out of the small town I live in and see how society is doing. I rarely buy stuff unless it's a screamer of a deal.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....