And if so.... how was it?

I could not attend due to being a PureBlood.... so, the best country in the world wouldn't let me in or; well.... we just didn't want to chance it. My crazy friends have been poked but I haven't heard back from any of them.

Was there better attendance than last year? How was the weather? Think more people next year or do you think these may be the Swap's last days?

Looks like all the C*vid BS is going away by May 11th, so I'm hoping to at the very least do the Spokane Swapmeet. Maybe even Monroe. I'm trying to get a few people together, maybe do a pilgramige to Pomona since none of us have EVER been to that but..... getting a bunch of old men to do anything these days is like pulling teeth.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....