Originally Posted by poorboy
I don't think I could handle 80% of a restoration. The stupid ways most factories did many things just doesn't make much sense. I'd be going crazy in a few months.

I kept telling myself that this is a hobby and I am supposed to ENJOY it !! . . .lol . . . that being said, more than once I had to just put the tools down, walk away from the garage and come back to it another day. Amazing what a fresh perspective can do for you . . . think someone else said, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it !! . . .

Not sure how those that hand their car and keys over to a shop to restore the car, can do that . . . I handled everything myself,except for bodywork & paint, seats and vinyl top although I was prepared to try my hand at any of it - glad I didn't though ! LOL . . . got car back from bodyshop, figured, this will be easy, 6mths tops, to get it back together . . . . 2 YEARS !! . . .heh heh heh . . .

Restoring my car myself, was a validation of fact I do know what I am doing (for most part), and that I can do it !! . . . and that was only way I would be able to afford the car ! . . . a couple thousand $$ spend each year, over 12-15 years, way easier to handle than cutting one HUGE check . . .

Anyhow, always great to hear others experiences . . . .