Originally Posted by volaredon
Originally Posted by Kern Dog
I never heard of Frank Thomas and Doug Flutie is really short. I don't want to be either of those guys.

Both played their sports (at least part of their careers) in Chicago. Frank was with the white Sox. I think his whole career.
Frank Thomas was a very impressive baseball player but IMO had a bit of an ego that I never cared for. Doug Flutie on the other hand overcame his diminutive size for a professional football player and really had an inspirational career and seems to be one of the really nice guys from pro sports. He also was dealing with a stressful situation in raising a son who was diagnosed at three years old with childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD), a very rare autism spectrum disorder. His son is now 31 years old and they (Doug and his wife Laurie) have a foundation named after Doug Jr.

Facts are stubborn things.