I did it for a number of years, tried a few different ways to run .90 with a .60 car. The most success I had was when I shifted into 3rd, I watched the tach and when it got close to 5500, I slowly lifted my foot to hold it there through the traps. The MPH would usually be 112-116.

My friend Frank Luckey won several NHRA events doing something similar, he would set his shift light around 5000, when the light came on in 2nd gear (powerglide), he would take his foot completely off the throttle and coast across at around 100 MPH. He had to quit doing that when some officials said that other racers were complaining of cheating.

These techniques probably sound goofy, but they go to show that you don't need to run big MPH if you know and trust your car, and practice, practice, practice.

One last comment, I went back to brackets for the reasons stated above by Bigdad, a whole weekend used for one shot at the tree on Sunday started to get ridiculous. I always liked the format, though.