It's too bad the live feed went down. I had it on in the background and went back to it later and it suddenly disappeared when there was still quite a bit of time left.

The biggest problem is the current people involved all seemed to be genuinely interested in keeping the track and they all said it must be protected which is great but they also had an issue with the small distance between the houses and the track. And assuming they don't change their minds all it needs is for future members of the commitee to side with the home owners who are sick of the sound and start putting restrictions on the tracks.

Right off the bat they should have voted against the development because it's outside the boundary they previously put in place and yeah the boundary could always change if there's a good reason but from some of the things i've read there's already land available within the boundary that could accommodate all that new housing so clearly the developer went after this land instead because it's cheaper then land that was already slated for development.