Originally Posted by 5thAve
Since you said you have amazon prime try that. It's Ok. I use it from time to time in the background on my computer when I'm working. I wouldn't pay for it if it wasn't included in prime tho.
Try youtube too, there are some mixes and complete albums on there.

I've never made a list, only played what interested me.

On Youtube, I made my own playlists. That was great for about 3 weeks, at which time Youtube inserted a commercial between every song. But for the low price of 8.99/mo they will make the commercials go away.
Screw em'... rant

My girlfriend has an Amazon Prime account, so I tried that. Made my own playlists. That too was also great for about 3 weeks, at which time they scrambled the song order on my playlists and also inserted songs of their choosing. But for the low price of 8.99/mo I can have access to my playlists just the way I created them. Screw them too... rant