Originally Posted by wingman
Originally Posted by bigdad
whomever thinks having a forum subpage where it's a good idea to call each other names is a fool , that I guarantee has chased away way more than any good it does

Before the "unmoderated" section was created, at least weekly there were guys on here whining that the moderators were too heavy-handed keeping things civil, and complaining that they were leaving because they kept getting vacations.

When Tom finally relented and created a stand-alone space for those who wanted that kind of environment, now people complain that it exists.

Just goes to show you can't please everyone.

Sums it up perfectly. If it were my board, I wouldn't have the unmoderated section, but that's just my opinion. There are enough people who asked for it, and that utilize it, that Tom feels it's beneficial to have it. His board, his rules, and like I said, my opinion is just that. It's no better or worse or more or less valid than those who like the unmoderated section.

Earning every penny of that moderator paycheck.