Originally Posted by moparmike1
Originally Posted by larrymopar360
Originally Posted by Stanton
There IS an Ebay alternative !! It just needs to gain momentum.

Interesting. The dealers who list with keyword spamming, "Fits: " and put every car ever made, or list the same product 1000 times are ruining Feebay.

One way to get around the "Fits" BS is to add "-fits" to your search term(s).

The following search terms generate over 63,000 matches:

1972 Road Runner

The following search terms generate over 3,100 matches:

1972 Road Runner -fits

Hopefully this helps.


Yep. Its harder to get around the chinese ads that flood ebay but doing the -fits does knock a lot of them down and makes it easier to find the sellers who usually have better stuff.