JD, this really touched my heart - I know how you feel. My Dad had a dog a long time ago - Buffy - he was a Cocker Spaniel. My Dad loved him so much, & Buffy died of cancer when he was about 12 & my Dad said never again - never another dog (because he loved him SO much & losing him was just too much). So then when my brothers & I were little, we each got a kitten from the same litter - 3 of them - that was back in 1964. My cat, Suzie, lived until 1985 - she was 21. My Dad had grown so attached to her since we moved out, it happened again - broke my Dad's heart. The day my brother & I took her in to have her put down, was the only time I ever saw my Dad cry. It was so hard to see my Dad like this, plus I was heartbroken to lose Suzie too. I guess some of us just REALLY get attached to our pets. It's a wonderful feeling while they are with us, but we usually outlive them & see them go.

Right now, we have two wonderful little kitts & we love them as if they were little people. Lucy is the sweetest cat I've ever known & she chose ME from the beginning, so she is my little baby. She's about 10 now, & I can't stand to think of seeing her go too, but I will (unless I go first).

Anyway, time will help heal so give it day-by-day, but be assured, I believe we will see our little buddies again some day too. Very sorry for your loss.

Here's an old pic of my Dad with Buffy. (mid-1950's).


No Man With A Good Car Needs To Be Justified