Originally Posted by 4406bbl

Absolutely carry insurance on your car. Also never ever fully trust ANY shop owner I don't care who they are even if you have everything in writing...it had better be in a contract notarized and written up by a lawyer. Cover your six, they do not care and you are just another payday, never forget you are not friends....you are a customer. Trust me on this, if something happens it will be your responsibility, even if they do bad work, and every other resto shop in town will be on their side. You are truly alone when something happens with these guys, as it should be, so treat them the same, trust nothing.

With a non reputable shop nothing will protect you as they usually have nothing to recoup you losses and will just move on to the next fish. A paint place up in Fremont wound up in trouble with one of my customers. When his attorney got involved the owner more judgment's and liens against him and the business than one would have thought was legal.
And I would never take the side of a shyster but will agree there are many out there especially in this line of work. CYA x 10 and PAY NOTHING until any work and parts being billed for is completed and on sight. I have never requested or taken a red cent up front in 25 years. beer